Millionaire Maven in the Making Academy

Transform the way you exist with your Inner Maven through millionaire mindset, customized strategies, business mentorship and deep healing work that will leave you feeling confident and clear to make and steward the 7 figure life and bank accounts you dream of.

We begin on August 31, 2023.

Imagine waking up to….

A life where you know how to make and hold the money that supports your wildest dreams and allows you to love your deepest desires. You feel safe, connected to yourself, and overjoyed at the life and business you’re creating.  

You feel the breeze on your skin You open your eyes to the sun peaking in and you smile because you’re finally here. Finally you are fully free.

Welcome to being a Millionaire Maven in the Making.

This was designed for you if:

  • You are tired of feeling stressed around money wondering if it will ever be enough, you are over anxiety around bills and you are just plain tired of feeling like it may never be your turn.

  • You want to make more money in ways that feel good, learn what to do with the money you make, and you are not afraid to do the deep work it takes to feel safe and confident as you build wealth.

  • You want more and you want it to feel good. Traditional financial teachings and deprivation do not work with your life and way of doing things. You want abundance and joy.

  • You want next-level coaching support from a coach who has created her own wealth through the strategies she teaches.

  • You love sisterhood, and connection from other badass women will keep you motivated and reaching higher as you commit to grow together.

You will walk away:

  • Knowing how to create wealth and financial stability in a way that works for you

  • Feeling more CEO of your life, business and bank accounts than you ever have

  • Confident in your strategy, mindset, and healing tools that keep your money growing

  • Feeling deeper safety, joy, and excitement in your day-to-day life

  • Clear in the vision you’re building and how to get there

  • Proud of the commitment you’ve made to yourself and the life you are building for future generations

How we build wealth, safety, joy and freedom …

The Academy is a unique, six month, trauma-informed Mastermind experience to guide you through full-spectrum healing and money growth to create and hold seven figures in a shame-free space.

I will share with you what I learned in my journey from being a single mama in debt to a six figure CEO with 7-figure net wealth including:

  • Creating more income in your business or career in ways that feel good and align to the way you desire to live your life

  • Seeing options and opportunities for the money you’re earning so that you are creating wealth that supports your beautiful life

  • Deep healing and mindset work to release old stories and live life like the millionaire maven you were born to be

This is the first experience of its kind and will provide the education, coaching, and community support for your personalized healing journey to seven figures.

"Laura helped me strategically plan and rework my finances to accelerate my consulting business and move out of my 9-5.  What I once saw as a side gig, can now support me and my family.  I am having fun in my work again and making money that I did not think was possible.  As a bonus, I am now debt-free, saving thousands a month, have tripled my income and have created such better unity with my partner around money."



Inside the Academy

Every month includes learning modules and live calls with Q&A that focus on:

  • Millionaire money mindset & strategies to create wealth

  • Your bougie biz and boss moves to increase your income

  • Deep healing work to dissolve old stories and step into new ways of being with yourself, your wealth and your joy

The fourth week of every month is dedicated to a mix of live, hot-seat coaching calls and 1:1 integration with me as you’re implementing all of these new tools.

You will also access a private Voxer group for support, accountability, and of course, sisterhood. The community spaces of my programs are often a favorite part, super juicy and supportive.

What’s waiting for you:

Millionaire Maven Mindset and Strategies:  Get clear on your numbers, your desires, and the vision of what you are building. I want you to fall in love with money so that you are making it, holding it, growing it, spending it and saving it with joy and in alignment with your deepest desires.

Healing and Mindset Work:  Open your heart to abundance and next-level possibilities with meditations, healing practices and tools that will create more supportive beliefs around money and will change the way you exist with wealth. Let’s get rid of any obstacles in your way.

Bougie Business Building Behaviors: Whether you’re a business owner, climbing the career ladder or a hard working mama, there are many ways create more income possibilities. We will go deep into business-building with access to all of my ‘Bougie Biz Bootcamp’ modules. We will also dive into things like asking for that raise and building passive income to create your dreamiest future. There is something for everyone here.

Millionaire Maven Vision:  Leaning into what it feels like to be wealthy and stepping into that feeling TODAY.  Here is where we go even deeper into how you want your business and wealth to impact you and the world around you. This is where you create LEGACY.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Calls are weekly on Thursdays at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern. Calls times/dates may be adjusted on occasion with notice.

  • No problem. The program was created knowing that we are all busy and life happens.

    I of course would love to see you live, and all calls and modules will be recorded and uploaded to your Member Vault portal weekly for you to watch on your own time and replay as often as you like.

    And if you know you will miss a call, but you still want coaching, you can drop your coaching request in the FB group too.

  • This is for any women who is ready to have a better relationship with herself, her vision, her wealth and her joy.

    For my entrepreneurs, we will talk about business but you do not need to be a coach nor an entrepreneur for this program to be life changing.

    For my non entrepreneurs, there are plenty of you out there who have a job, side hustle or are at home raising kiddos, who still crave feeling wealthy, are tired of worrying about money and want more out of life. This is for you too.

  • Absolutely! I created this program to be what I would have loved to have when I was earlier in my journey. This program is created to be accessible to you because this work is so important.

  • Oh love, I hear you and I have been there.

    Investing can be scary and I am so excited that you are here even considering investing in yourself and your wealthiest life.

    I know that we are all in different places with our time, energy and money, so I encourage you to close your eyes and settle into your body.

    Take some deep breaths and center in on your soul’s desires.

    You are here looking at this page for a reason.

    Only you know what is right for you at this moment, but I can promise you if you show up at 100%, so will I.

    I am so excited for this program and for the possibilities that it will bring you.

  • There is no requirement to be making or to have any amount of money.

    Often times, the reason we wait has nothing to do with money, it has more to do with ‘is this going to work?’ or ‘will i fit in?’

    If this is truly a money issue, sit with your numbers and see what feels good. What I will tell you is that if money is often a reason you say no to things you desire, this program is probably perfect for you.

    If it is not truly a money issue, what do you need to connect to the part of you who is ready, who wants the best for you and who knows wealth is waiting.

    This program is amazing and I believe that there is no better time than now to start feeling wealthy and becoming wealthy, than now.

I can’t wait to support you.

Because I know what it’s like to start from square one.

We all deserve to live our WEALTHIEST & most PLEASURABLE lives and my mission is to help you create exactly that, no matter where you are starting from today.

When I was a struggling single mom, I remember taking out stacks of books from the library on business and money. Learning those tools is important, but I wish I’d had someone there to hold my hand and show me that real wealth isn’t just about learning to make more money.

It’s also knowing what to do with money once you have it, how to feel safe with it, how to trust yourself spending it, how to enjoy it and the life you are living and how to heal the generational trauma that keeps us repeating old patterns.

I am here to help you will all of this, to hold your vision with you and to lend you my belief in you as you learn to believe in yourself.

The safety, joy and freedom you want are 100% possible for you.

I cannot wait to help you build a life you wildly love, a business that lights you up and bank accounts that supports it all.