Embodied Millionaire Coaching




A Wealthy Life You

Wildly Love

You have money coming in, but you still don’t feel safe or confident with it. You’ve worked hard and you’re ready to ENJOY the money you make (and maybe even use it to build some freedom in your life).

But you’re not sure how. You may be experiencing:

  • Anxiety around paying bills

  • Difficulty saving or growing enough savings

  • Ickiness around the debt in your life

  • Cycles with money you try to break but keep repeating

  • Thoughts that say you’ll never get out of this and being wealthy isn’t for you

If you are screaming, "Heck yeah, that's me!" I created my Embodied Millionaire Coaching to help you break up with all the BS and build Your Wealthiest Life. I cannot wait to show you how.


My clients usually fall into one of two camps. Natural spenders or natural savers.

  • If you are a spender you do things like celebrate that $5K, $10K, or even $50K earning month by treating yourself (because why not). The problem is that you promised yourself you’d start saving and at the end of the month, the money is all gone and often you’re not sure exactly where it went and this keeps you stuck

  • If you are a saver, you do things like save everything you make as “mattress money.” You love to have money on hand which feels important (and is great), but the problem is that you stress over every dollar you spend, holding onto as much as possible because you fear that more isn’t coming and this saps your joy.

Whichever way you lean, our work together will help you create safety, alignment, and balance with your money, so that you can do both. I want you to pay bills without stress, get excited about saving and watching your money grow, and spend on things you love with ease and confidence (because we don’t do deprivation). Ready to see how?

In 6 months, you will:

  • Create a personalized wealth vision for what YOUR wealthy life looks like

  • Develop earning, spending and saving habits that align with that vision

  • Learn rituals that help you feel safe looking at your bank accounts

  • Form wealth-building strategies that are unique to YOU and your strengths

  • Dissolve the mindset blocks that keep you locked in old patterns

  • Unlearn and rewire the inherited money stories you’re still operating on

  • Increase your financial literacy and build CEO confidence

  • Learn tools for nervous system regulation and energy work to support your journey into feeling safe with money.

Hey Gorgeous!

I’m Laura.

Today I am a six-figure CEO and a self-made millionaire, living a life I love. But it wasn’t always this way. I grew up in dysfunction.  I had my daughter one month after my 22nd birthday. I was alone and in debt. But I decided that she would be raised in a different world than I was.

I wasn’t TAUGHT how to build wealth strategically or how to heal my parents voices in the back of my mind telling me “Money isn’t meant for us.” These are things I had to learn and rewrite for myself. And if you are someone who didn’t come from money, I can’t wait to help you accelerate your journey to the alignment, safety, wealth, and healing you are ready to create.

READY to start living Your Wealth Your Way?

This is Six Months of 1:1 Coaching and Mentorship that is a blend of mindset work, strategy, education and healing customized to you. We will cover your life, your business and your bank accounts to get you feeling safer, aligned with freedom and living your joy.

All options include 1:1 coaching calls on Zoom, Monday-Thursday Voxer access, and resources like spreadsheets, journaling prompts, and healing practices.


Option 1:

All of the above with Twenty-Four 60-minute Zoom Calls (One call per week for 6 months)

Option 2:

All of the above with Twelve 60-minute Zoom Calls (One call every other week for six months)

What’s inside Wealth Embodiment Coaching:

Phase 1

We get aligned and on-purpose with your life, business and bank accounts by:

  • Getting clear on your wealth vision

  • Getting intimate with your numbers, what you making, what you are spending and saving and your overall relationship with money, to see where you are and are not acting in alignment with your wealth vision

  • Set up clear action steps to implement new money rituals and behaviors

  • And, for my entrepreneurs, we audit your business to make sure it’s efficient and in-line with your goals for income, joy, and freedom and if it is not, set goals and accountability to get this feeling so good 

Phase 2

As you get clearer on what you want and start taking action to create it, we typically start to see your natural fears, feelings, blocks and old family stories pop up. This is our brain’s natural mechanism to keep us safe AND stuck in the same routines. This is where we:

  • Talk through any incongruencies between your vision and your patterns

  • Coach around the mindset and money blocks that rear their heads

  • Utilize somatic healing techniques to rewrite old stories and make it easier to create new patterns

Phase 3

Getting closer to your dream and further from where you’ve been stuck will bring up equal parts celebration and discomfort. As you change the landscape of your wealthiest vision of your life, business and bank accounts, heal generational stories, live into your wealth values, and start to build your legacy, your brain will want to revert back to the old and comfortable. This is where we:

  • Acclimate to your Millionaire Maven identity through embodiment practices

  • Settle your nervous system when fear of the unfamiliar comes up

  • Step into full CEO mode, feeling confident, excited and aligned

  • Celebrate the generational healing you’ve created and the legacy you’re building


Want to take your embodiment practices around wealth to the next level?

Add an in-person San Diego VIP Day with me to the experience.

My Guarantee

Your coaching is custom-crafted for you to be transformative and I am 100% confident that you will love the experience and have exceptional results starting early on. I believe in this so deeply that if you decide after your first month of coaching (4 calls) that this doesn’t feel like the program for you, we will cancel your contract with no additional monies due. 

My Clients See Money in a New Way

They learn to fall in love with finances. They walk away with increased income, less debt & more savings. Along the way, they heal trauma, shut down age-old stories, built trust in who they are at a soul level, and release limiting beliefs and fears to rediscover joy and pleasure.

Are you ready?

"Laura is magic. Sometimes we don’t know that we need permission for something. Sometimes you just need someone to pull the curtain ever so slightly to the side because you didn’t realize there was something hiding behind the curtain. Invest in yourself. Let Laura in. Let her help you create your path of least resistance. She’s more than amazing at what she does. She’s magic!"


“Hell yes!” commitment

I commit to going all-in on supporting you to cultivate the dreamiest vision for your life, helping you live it today, and sharing every step and tool I have to help you create it.

I commit to believing in your highest possibility.

The question is, do you?

This 6-month transformation is a five-figure investment.

You will walk away with the mindset, strategies, and habits to create 7-figure wealth. You will never be the same again.

Are you ready to commit to the wealthiest version of yourself and your life?

If you are, I’m ready for you.

READY to start living Your Wealth Your Way?

This is Six Months of 1:1 Coaching and Mentorship that is a blend of mindset work, strategy, education and healing customized to you and your life, business and wealth goals. All options include 1:1 coaching calls on Zoom, Monday-Thursday Voxer access, and resources like spreadsheets, journaling prompts, and healing practices.


Option 1:

All of the above with Twenty-Four 60-minute Zoom Calls (One call per week for 6 months)

Option 2:

All of the above with Twelve 60-minute Zoom Calls (One call every other week for six months)