Real Wealth Activation Call

Clear the biggest obstacle standing between you and making progress in your wealth today.

REAL WEALTH is not made with 10K months.

It’s built through habits, healing, and vision.

As one of my clients put it, I am here to lovingly “mom you through your money”

and here is a little dose of TOUGH LOVE :


Because if you don’t know what to do with it, how to manage it, or how to make it work for you, it will never feel like you have enough.

And the frustrating piece is that focusing purely on making MORE money will not get you to the FINANCIAL FREEDOM you desire.

So what do you need? You need to focus on creating REAL WEALTH.

And REAL WEALTH looks like:

  • Waking up excited to see a $25K deposit (Woohoo!) and you know EXACTLY what to do with that money because you know what your wealthy self prioritizes. You start out with lunch with the girls to celebrate, and once you get home, you sit down to transfer some money to your tax account, pay bills, send a nice donation to a beloved charity, and add to your travel savings, emergency fund, and strategic investments - with plenty still left over. Money feels easy because you feel CONFIDENT in your ability to steward the large windfalls of cash that your work creates.

  • Planning a monthly money date with yourself because you now feel safe and excited to look at your numbers. You fully trust yourself to manage the wealthy life you are building. And you LOVE watching your net wealth turn from $5K into $50K and $500K. Finally, your money is set up and working for you.

  • The JOY of saying “YES!” when a friend spontaneously invites you to Bali because you have the cash in the bank to pay for it with ease and travel with friends one of your core wealth values.

  • Having internal SAFETY and external FREEDOM to live the deepest desires of your heart. To do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want, knowing that you can more than afford it.


If you’re like me, you didn’t grow up with a healthy model for money. There was no education or role model for wealth building or financial freedom.

Today, you can choose to break that cycle and start living your Wealthiest Life.

Your Real Wealth Activation Call will be the first step in FALLING IN LOVE with earning, saving, holding, enjoying, and investing your money so you can build REAL WEALTH and JOY without feeling deprived.

“After our work together, I got my partner on board with finances and we have a weekly money date. I have not overdrawn any of my accounts, I put $1,500 into savings, put aside money for fixing up the house, paid off two credit cards, and gave myself a $ 2,000 per month raise. Thank you for helping me get here!”


You Living your Wealth is…


You’ve hired the business coach and bought the courses, but no matter what you’ve tried, your money situation remains the same. You make more. You spend more. The cycle continues.

You KNOW that if you don’t do something now, you will be in the same situation next month and next year. Something NEEDS to change.

For you that might be:

  • Creating a customized way of managing money that feels simple, easy, and moves the needle, WITHOUT feeling restricted.

  • Identifying the money blocks that keep you stuck and the tools and practices you’ll need to soften and remove them.

  • Dissolving the big feelings (like shame, fear or guilt) that surface when you look at your money and prevent you from making progress.

Wealth activation calls are here to help you clear the biggest obstacle standing between you and making progress in your wealth today.

Let’s Create your Wealth Activation:

After you fill out a brief questionnaire, I will help you identify which kind of activation call you need to see the MOST progress in creating your wealthiest life.

Option 1: Create your Wealth Blueprint

We define a clear vision of what YOUR wealthy life looks like and create a customized action plan with the THREE MAIN THINGS you need to focus on now to bring that vision to life. We’ll also give practices to embody your definition of wealth starting today, so you can enjoy the process.

Option 2: Identify and Address a Money Mindset Block

We identify the one or two main money mindset blocks that keep you stuck. We coach through these blocks together, define your clear wealth vision for your life, and give you tangible practices to reinforce your new money patterns and build your millionaire mindset.

Option 3: Somatic Healing Session

If thinking about your money triggers shame, fear, or doubt in your body no matter what strategies and mindset practices you’ve tried, this safe, trauma-informed somatic session is designed to release the deeper blocks that are holding you back. You will walk away feeling lighter and supported with aftercare suggestions that keep your healing going beyond our call.

Here’s What You Get with Your Wealth Activation Call

  • Prior to the call, you will receive a short questionnaire to help you get clear on the one issue you want to focus on MOST in this call

  • A 60-minute 1:1 Zoom call with me

  • After the call, you will receive notes from me which can include a transcription or recording upon request

  • Your notes will include your next-step action plan to integrate your call takeaways

Hi, I’m Laura

I've had the honor of coaching incredible women through the process of healing their money stories, building businesses and creating wealth in ways that works for them.

If you are wondering why me: My mission in the world is to help women break out of generational cycles of trauma, pain and poverty so that they can create safety, joy, possibility and freedom in their lives. Plus, I have done the work that I will be teaching to you.

I started out as a single mom struggling and in debt. Today am a six figure CEO and self made millionaire who has built a life that I wildly love.

I cannot wait to see what’s possible for your life, business and bank accounts. Book a call and let’s get wealthy.


Creating 20K months as a Coach.

“Laura was able to hold me through raising my vibration so that I could make more money than I’d ever made before in my life.” - Dana


"Laura helped me strategically plan and rework my finances to accelerate my consulting business and move out of my 9-5.  What I once saw as a side gig, can now support me and my family.  I am having fun in my work again and making money that I did not think was possible.  As a bonus, I am now debt-free, saving thousands a month, have tripled my income and have created such better unity with my partner around money."
