Hey! I’m Laura
My mission in the world is to help women break out of generational cycles of trauma and abuse and create safety, joy, possibility, and freedom in their lives, businesses and bank accounts. Not just for themselves, but for the generations who come after them as well.
I started out at 21 as a single mom in debt, working endless hours just to make ends meet. I grew up in a lot of dysfunction, being told that wealth doesn’t happen for people “like me.” I knew I wanted more for myself and my daughter so I decided to teach myself a new way of being with money and life, and I did. I built several six-figure businesses, seven-figure wealth and a life I love. Now I am here to teach what I learned to you.
Making money is, of course, one piece of wealth, but I was quick to learn that there is so much more.
There is the deep work of healing the stories and beliefs you inherited around money like money is hard, money is evil and money is not for me.
There is getting aligned with the energy of money. Learning to make, hold, trust, receive, spend, save, hold, grow and gift money with purpose.
There is an understanding that feeling wealthy is integral to becoming wealthy. Wealth is not just money, it is a feeling.
Understanding THIS is what ultimately creates wealth and freedom.
Once I learned this, everything changed. When I teach it to clients, everything changes too.

Today I am a six-figure CEO and a self-made millionaire, living a life I love, doing work that lights me up, surrounded by people I love.
I own investment properties. I live near the beach (a lifelong dream) and have palm trees in my backyard. I am a proud mama and married to an amazing partner. I travel regularly. I feel safe with money, at ease and I no longer have to bargain hunt to find the cheapest version of the thing I desire. I have clients who are the most amazing humans.
Today I live the dream I dreamt at 21.
If we are just meeting, here are a few facts about me:
I am a certified and trauma-informed life coach with a master’s degree in social work
I am a six-figure business owner and business mentor
I am a self-made millionaire and seven-figure wealth creator
I co-host a phenomenal podcast: The Magic and The Mess
I am a five-star coach, realtor and business/real estate mentor
I am a volunteer women's self-defense instructor with organizations that work towards women's empowerment and domestic violence prevention.
And most importantly, a proud mama and loving wife
I believe that we all deserve to live our WEALTHIEST & most PLEASURABLE lives - no matter where we started from.
I am here to help you create wealth in your life, your business and your bank accounts.
Are You Ready?
Fun Facts:
I am mom to a fantastic daughter who is a paramedic and loves to travel.
I was recently married. It took a while to become the type of woman who could attract this phenomenal man - and it was well worth the wait. And we just went into a 7-figure contract on a dream home in San Diego!
I love yoga and in 2018, I spent five delicious weeks in Bali earning my YTT and enjoying life. Yum Yum.
I trained for years in Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo & Krav Maga and teach empowerment self-defense because violence against women is an epidemic.
I LOVE being near the water - chilling on the beach, paddle boarding, lounging at the pool - these are my happy places.
Oh, and who could forget - I was once a wench at Medieval Times. (I even dated a knight).